Koan Float

Today i could not take my train and so i took instead soma's advice and went to the Koan Float tank. Anyone from germany has ever floated? It's truely amazing experience. Rejuvinating. Well worth every minute. Now i am reading in THE BOOK OF FLOATING by michael hutchison. "To be human is to explore and make use of altered states of consciousness. One of the most satisfactory and popular methods of altering consciousness is to restrict. . .The operation of one or more of their senses. . . To put themselves into a state of sensory deprivation."
now i know why it's so important to meditate.
"simply stated, when we shut out or restrict environmental stimuli, we become more aware of those things that are still available to us. In this case, after we have shut out light, sound, tactile sensations, gravity, other people, and movement, what is left is our Self: the physical reality of our skeletal muscles, our internal systems, our brains; and the non physical reality of our thoughts, emotions, intuitions, mental images. Our awareness of there realities is of a subtlery and intensity simply not possible when our senses are directed outward, responding to external events... William blake described the process as "cleansing the doors of perception." Zen masters talk about seeing the world with a "beginners mind." Jesus spoke of the need to see with the fresh perceptions of a child. psychologists have called it "deautomatization"" (my phone could not spell that one!)
i really want to find a place to float in paris! It really helps me!