I forgot to mention that on my job yesterday i got to wear 200,000 pounds of jewelry. The private guard kept commenting to me every time he saw me eat (2 muffins with jam and 2 small plates of pasta for lunch), "oh, eating AGAIN!" Finally i had to pull him asside and tell him politely that he was really being rude. I asked him if he preferred models to not eat and what exactly he was implying when he said that. In classic english fashion he said, "oh i was just so shocked to see someone in your profession eat!"
i almost killed him. But you just can not blame ignorance. I explained to him that by commenting every time like that to me actually made me very uncomfortable and not want to eat. I explained that if he was happy to see a model eat and was trying to encourage her to eat more, then it would be better to say, "the food is great isn't it?" rather than express himself in the way he was. I explained to him that a lot of clients and people make those kinds of comments ("oh a model that likes to eat") to me all the time. I explained that it put a lot of pressure on me-like they were saying i was some kind of freak cuz i was eating. I explained a lot to him and most importantly i explained to him that there are 2 kinds of people: those that eat two huge meals a day, and those that eat lots of little meals throughout the day. I explained to him that i eat when i am hungry, and i do not eat when i am not hungry. I thought that was what you were supposed to do.
He said his daughter was like that-she ate when she was hungry and he did not agree. He makes her finish her whole plate of food because THAT WAS WHAT HE WAS TAUGHT.
I will write more later about the whole models, fashion, madrid, issue.
For now, i bet that rock on my finger could feed a whole country in africa. So please do not comment every time i eat, it's not the right approach at all to this whole women and weight issue.
By the way, the photo beauty was so fab. I can not wait for it to come out!