Looking Back at the First Fashion Tech Blogging Conference in Paris 2005
PRESS: Queen of Raw about Anina Net

Anina Net to speak at Fashion Fusion Conference Seoul, Korea October 8th

Fashion Futures International Symposium

October 8, 2016 Anina Net will be speaking at Fashion Futures #FF2016 in Soeul, Korea.

What am I going to talk about?

Well, of course I would like to talk about our 360Fash Tech Kits and showcase some of the fashion designers who have been using our kits to create smart fashion and smart accessories that use IOT to connect and react to the world using wearable computing. Everything is built into one kit, a fashion tech maker kit, or fashion maker kit. 

The other thing I would like to share is all the other fashion tech labs in the world and what they are doing. With Lisa Lang in Berlin, to Anouk Wipprecht at Codame, to The Craft cropping up, Amanda Cosco with her Electric Runway,  and more!

I want to talk about the challenges of creating a fashion tech competition, workshop and lab.

I"m going to showcase for the first time the Qi Suit by ROMASTER.

I hope to arrange some meetings in advance. There is a fashion tech accelerator in Seoul, Korea, and I hope more fashion tech companies will contact me or research and development organizations. There's so much coming out of Korea in terms of 3D Design and e-textile development that I have been reading about lately.

Really looking forward to going to the future!
