What is NFC? NFC是什么?NFC means “near field communication” system.
NFC Technology
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1、What is NFC? NFC是什么?
NFC means “near field communication” system. It uses an RFID tag and a built-in mobile phone reader to pass information between objects when touched together. An example of NFC is when people scan their Beijing metro card to enter the train area. The metro card uses an RFID chip to pass information to the metro card and allow the gates to the train area to open. The most common form of NFC used in fashion is to track freight on clothing items or shipments to protect against lost or stolen materials.
NFC是指“近距离无线通讯”系统。当两个物体相接触,它使用一种射频身份识别标签和一种嵌入手机的读码器,将信息从一个物体传输到另一个物体上。举个例子,当人们在乘坐地铁的时候刷卡进入,“一卡通”内就有一种射频身份识别芯片,它可以把信息传输到“一卡通”中。从而刷开地铁的闸机门。在时尚界, NFC功能普遍用于记录服装或者货物的重量,防止物品遗失或被盗。
2、How to use NFC and the ESMOD Technology Textile Collage? 如何使用NFC和ESMOD科技纺织品拼贴画?
a. Using the phone provided touch the phone to the fabric on the wall. 请使用所提供的电话接触展示墙上的纺织品。
b. The phone will vibrate and ask if it should display the information, click YES 电话会发出震动声并询问是否需要显示信息,请点击“是”。
c. The name of the fabric and information will be displayed on the screen of the phone. 电话上会显示出纺织品的名字和相关信息。
3、How can I use NFC in my business? 我如何在经营中使用NFC?
NFC can be used inside physical stores to download coupons and discounts from posters, create check-in areas for VIP guests, or link to additional information in the store environment. It can encourage new customers to come inside and try new collections, download an app to the mobile, or watch a video. NFC is useful because it is a 2-way communication and can be used in customer loyalty programs and events.