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LUXUS-CHECK - oder: Die 33 Statussymbole der Zukunft

future blog: Der ultimative LUXUS-CHECK - oder: Die 33 Statussymbole der Zukunft.

Die 33 Statussymbole der Zukunft sind:

1. Sich auf diesem Planeten zuhause fühlen – und nicht fremd

2. Vom vielen Lachen langsam aber sicher Lachfalten bekommen

3. Wissen wofür man lebt – und wenn´s sein muß auch stirbt

4. Einen Körper haben, den man liebt – egal wie´s ihm gerade geht

5. Sich ein unverwechselbares Leben erschaffen – und keine     Kompromisse mehr eingehen

6. Wenn man gestürzt und gescheitert ist - wieder aufstehen und weitermachen

7. Zivilcourage zeigen - und für etwas stehen

New York - New Year 2006 - Press - Events - Press


Nokia - New York - New Year 2006 - Press - Events - Press.

On December 31st, Nokia will welcome the New Year in unique style – by connecting millions of music lovers from around the world as they count down the final minutes of 2006. Nokia New Year’s Eve, a global music event stretching across four continents, will feature a number of international artists including The Black Eyed Peas and Scissor Sisters to entertain audiences at New Year’s celebrations from Hong Kong to Rio de Janeiro. Those unable to attend in person can experience the party via television or the internet. To orchestrate this unique global celebration, Nokia has enlisted the services of Harvey Goldsmith CBE, the producer of Live Aid and Live8.



now, the top part as per who is linking to, is pretty impressive, if i may say. but the second part from amazon is baffling. either, the tech world has (excuse me?) very bad need of a make over in what's cool, or there is something very wierd and twisted up in the amazon association engine. did anyone spike the drink?

now you tell me, what do high fashion and Corky BBQ Dry, savvy nail kit, cotton candy fun kit, fitz, dmitri, and elly have in common?


Eco-Computer Options

Eco-Computer Options

When shopping for a new computer, you can help preserve the Earth by choosing the most environmentally friendly options possible.

when though, will they look more like this:

photo from gizmowatch

Two years ago, the computer manufacturer NEC Solutions launched a new product for environmentally conscious computer users. NEC’s PowerMate eco computer was described at the time as “the first all-in-one, fanless ecological PC … specifically [designed] to address the growing environmental problems associated with traditional PCs.”

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