FTV Video


Originally uploaded by hebig.

hehehe...i got nominated by mr. burda! so at least i went for tripple the price.  ;D
loic le meur interviews yossi vardi about it!

so the story goes like this, first DAN (bravo dan!) jumped in the water for 1000 euro for charity. then mr burda pointed at me and said, "ANINA!". why not? it's for charity! but i dont come cheap! so i said, "3000 dollars!" and they said, "3000 dollars, going once, going twice"
no one raised their hands even after they said it could be shared! so mr burda and mr vardi agreed to split it between them, and so i did the dive into the pool.

so dan and i were the hero's of the evening but the real hero's were mr burda and mr vardi and the man who donated for Dan. the reason for that i was so motivated to jump into the pool was because of the conversation i had at dinner with the man who owns the most exclusive women's shoe shop in munich, who donates the sallary to the organization to employ someone to manage the project with the children. he was telling me at dinner how he didnt even have the right windows xp version for the 3 computers that he had. so i said that i had last year's version of windows xp that i could send him. i even said that if i knew where to send my old computers, i would send them to him. instead i left my computer laptop to the salvation army in new york to sell. i was saying that it doesnt take just money to donate to the program but people could donate old equipment, old xp or outlook 2002 cd's etc.

many thanks to HBM Marcom's for catching the moment and many thanks to for pointing it out to me! great JUMP PHOTO!
