robet scoble has started this new online channel for geeks: Channel 9.
i think this is the biggest gathering of laptops! sixapart believes there is a revolution going on in the world and that there are now 10million blogs (on typepad) and the world is changing. they believe that they have to understand this change and be a part of the change. they have made a wiki to manage all the people to share and put what you like. what they would like out of the confrerence we all show what we have understood and what is the outcome and next steps. the session will start with corporate blogging and how blogging is affecting corporations. in the afternoon they will speak about blogs and politics, investments, and the last pannel will be blogs and education. there will be an afterparty at the baramundi bar.
charlie schick is here and we will see eachother in finland when i go there on wed.
shel isreal and robert scoble have written a book together called, naked conversations, which is a book about how blogs are chancing the way buisnesses talk with consumers. robert was speaking last night about how blogs give the chance for large companies to speak directly with their consumers, respond immidiately to any negative feedback before it reaches the brand damaging proportions, and how to get their consumers involved in caring about the company.
"blogging is a tool, you can use a hammer to fix your house, or you can use a hammer to bludgeon." says shael. blogging has such a quick response in the world. companies are launching and opening blogs and within 3 months their names and their brands are established--all because of the blog. "the power of the word of mouth is more powerful than any other tool." says scoble. "marketing began with conversations," says shael, "blogging has just expanded that to a global level." robert went to speak with TARGET, the chain store in the USA, he technorati'd target and the search engine came up with 20 comments on the company-19 of which were good and 1 was a bad experience. robert pointed out to target that this was the opportunity for target to respond to this negative experience, and recouperate the customer. they were really amazed.
some corporations have a corporate culture of no one speaks before the brand. they dont let one person or a group of people speak for the brand. the conclusion of the book is that instead of big sports people endorsing the companies, people will trust people...people want to see real people working for companies and what they are doing. but because of the culture of corporations (this point that they let the brand speak with no face) corporations are reluctant to have one person speak for the brand.
hugh made a funny picture...