Previous month:
October 2005
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December 2005


my friend ilpo is escaping the fierce Finnish winter to  vacation in gran canarias. he wrote me and said though, he is suffering from internet withdrawal syndrome! thank goodness he has downloaded the mini opera browser! he says he can still read my blog from the side of the to be finnish in gran canarias doesnt it?


Hanging Paintings

So i got a lot organized today. My roommates helped me a lot. Now my paintings are hung in my room and i am very happy to have guests coming to visit soon. There is finally room! Now i wait the 360ers to pick up their stuff still from the exhibition. I built my desk up higher today and it is way cool cuz now i can stand up and code. Much better. Last dregs of cleaning and then chill out!


Nokia and Grameen Foundation USA (GFUSA) today announced a collaboration to bring affordable, accessible telecommunications to rural villages in Africa through microfinance. This collaboration builds on GFUSA's global Village Phone initiative that helps people living in rural areas start self-sustaining businesses while providing affordable telecommunications to their communities. 

(i just got this press release in my mailbox)


hi everyone, so listen! i found myself in one of those situations again this morning (after being out till 3am) at a big table with 7 people talking about fashion, technology, and art. let me tell you. i was so interested to snap a photo--i tell you--next time i will so you can all see what it's like. anyway, i am telling you, everyone cross fingers. it's not a big financial deal that's going to go down, however, the project itself if it goes though, will REVOLUTIONIZE the fashion industry. i tell you. big time.  somedays, my life is so fun and exciting like a movie. i bet in the end, everyone's life is...

ps look on the post here and you will see the computer screens? it was genious and SO MUCH FUN to play around with the animation fun machine! i want one on my computer toooooooooooooo! everybody but everybody in the whole fashion industry was at the le book party last night. i ran into so many people i know. diego, brice, the list is long...

24112005013 diego and me au pastel

Mypicture8 matteo and i a la andy warhall

Mypicture_1 hmmm...what is going on here...


We are family

I am the smash potatoe, next to me is the sardin, on top of her is the cherry, next to us is the beef, at the end is the bread, and the one in front is the most intelligent! We are 8 in a cab.

Adventure night

My friend matteo was just promoted by diesel to be head of marketing in france. Tonight we have been lead further on an adventure by his event management team to the Lido! It is adventure night! Highly recommended to go to the Lido. It is really a show and worth the adventure!